Welcome to the Academic Kickstart template!
Follow our Getting Started and Page Builder guides to easily personalize the template and then add your own content.
For inspiration, check out the Markdown files which power the personal demo. The easiest way to publish your new site to the internet is with Netlify.
This homepage section is an example of adding elements to the Blank widget.
Backgrounds can be applied to any section. Here, the background option is set give a color gradient.
To remove this section, delete content/home/demo.md
Nelson Bighetti is a professor of artificial intelligence at the Stanford AI Lab. His research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter. He leads the Robotic Neurobiology group, which develops self-reconfiguring robots, systems of self-organizing robots, and mobile sensor networks.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque elit, tristique placerat feugiat ac, facilisis vitae arcu. Proin eget egestas augue. Praesent ut sem nec arcu pellentesque aliquet. Duis dapibus diam vel metus tempus vulputate.
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Stanford University
MEng in Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BSc in Artificial Intelligence, 2008
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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